Navigating Insurance Claims After a Major Weather Event

Navigating Insurance Claims After a Major Weather Event

Insurance claims can be hard to navigate. Knowing the process to follow can take the stress out of the entire situation. At S&S Restoration, we lead the way through insurance claims to make sure everything is done right to get you the most coverage. We follow six key steps to ensure it’s done right the […]

Roof Maintenance to Prevent Water Damage & Floods

Roof Maintenance to Prevent Water Damage & Floods

The roof on your home is a major structural component and when neglected it can result in serious damage and hefty costs to recover. A leaking or compromised roof can cause flooding and water damage throughout your home – ruining furniture, appliances, personal items, and the structural integrity of your home. Sometimes roof damage cannot […]

Can You Keep Operations Running During Commercial Building Restoration?

Can You Keep Operations Running During Commercial Building Restoration?

Damage to your commercial building can be costly from both a repairs standpoint and when it comes to having to shut down operations for repairs. At S&S Restoration our priority is getting you back up and running as efficiently as possible. There are some cases where you must vacate the entire building, but sometimes you […]

Seasonal Maintenance for Preventing Water Damage

Seasonal Maintenance for Preventing Water Damage

Water damage can be detrimental to your home or commercial property. When left unchecked, water damage will result in thousands of dollars in damage and potential health issues. Most homeowners insurance covers water damage, but not always, depending on the source of the water damage. The most effective way to avoid the costly impact of […]